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    Sandy Cove Blog
    If you have been investing in Sandy Cove for a while, you'd probably expect that your portfolio includes shares of Summer Together Family Camp. The roots of Family Camp go all the way back to opening weekend in 1946 when people gathered for Bible teaching, good food and plenty of it, and fine fellowship with one another here in God's great
    In our high tech world, we all know that any time your computer, smartphone or other modern marvel starts to experience issues, the first troubleshooting step is to power it down, wait a few seconds, then power it back up. It is so simple, but overlooked to the point that an IT team made “Hello, IT -- Have you tried turning it off and on again”

    I get asked “Are you ready for summer?” a lot this time of year. People know I am responsible for delivering five weeks of the three ring circus we call Summer Together Family Camp. And they reasonably assume that I’ve been locked in my office all winter, getting my ducks in a row.

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