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    Family Camp 2024


    Week 1

    June 30-July 5

    Joe and Denise Holman have a lot of field research in family life. They are High School sweethearts married since 1984. They had children in diapers for 23 years, preschoolers for 25 years, and teenagers for 23 years (with four more years to go). They changed over 42,000 diapers, prepared more than 192,680 plates, homeschooled for 31 years, experienced 9 kids to leave the nest and live on their own (two still live with them) and have 6 married children and 10 grandkids. On top of that, they lived on three different continents, currently in the northern part of Ghana, West Africa. So far they authored nine books. Using humor, anecdotes, personal failures and successes, and basically anything in the room to illustrate their point, they love teaching what the Bible says on the topic of family, Christian living, and world missions.

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