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    March 3-5, 2023

    A Widow's Journey

    A Weekend for Women

    For widows of any age and at any point in their journey

    People say, "Isn't it wonderful he's with the Lord," and you want to yell, "No! He should be here with me."

    Spend a weekend with other women who have lost their husbands. You will be with people who understand your journey. Come share your heart and your hurt and be encouraged as we remind ourselves that, hard as it is, our God is able. Learn from women who are where you are, women who have weathered grief and difficult times.

    Widow's Journey at Sandy Cove

    Small Groups

    During small group discussions, individuals will have the opportunity to briefly share the stories of their own widowhood and glean helpful tips from the experiences of others. Encouragement, smiles and tissues provided! If you are not a widow and attending in support, please understand that the small groups are for Widows only.

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